5 Signs Your Parent Needs Assisted Living Care

5 Signs Your Parent Needs Assisted Living Care


Although your parents have been able to live independently throughout their entire lives, it can be challenging for them to concede to senior care. If they require assistance with their daily activities or health care you are not able to provide, an assisted living facility can provide the monitoring and support they need around the clock. If you’re not sure if it’s the right time to make the transition, our Hampton elder care living center experts understands the signs which indicate the need for senior care.

The following are five signs your parent needs assisted living care:

  • Mild cognitive impairment, such as confusion or poor judgement, can have severe consequences if left untreated. If they’re seen wandering around for no apparent reason, this is typically a sin of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Mobility issues if they are prone to falling or require a wheelchair. If they’re having a difficult time getting around their home, then it may be time to visit potential assisted living centers.
  • When heath care needs increase beyond a caregiver’s abilities.
  • Any evidence of household neglect, such as a dirty home, spoiled food or unpaid bills.
  • Demonstrating indications of loneliness or depression including rarely leaving home, avoiding friends or losing interest in hobbies.

How do you put a parent in assisted living?

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it may be time to consider assisted living options. Once you’ve decided that your elderly parent needs to be in assisted living, you’ll need to find an assisted living that offers the care your parent needs and the amenities they want. After settling on the right assisted living, the next step will be to talk to the assisted living, find out more information about the facility, and visit for a tour. It is a good idea to visit the facility by yourself and afterwards visit with your parent. Although the process of moving a parent into an assisted living is anything but easy, do not delay. Delays can result in accidents and medical issues. During the process you will also need to think about consolidating your parent’s possessions as well as gathering and managing legal and medical documents to ensure your parent is fully prepared for the transition. Our highly qualified staff can help every step of the way.

How do I talk to my elderly parent about assisted living?

Sometimes the most difficult step in moving an elderly parent to an assisted living facility is talking to them about it. It can be tough to start the conversation, to admit your parent needs more help than you can provide, and you may delay the conversation due to fears of upsetting your parent. However, delays can lead to the need for assisted living becoming more and more pressing everyday. To make the conversation easier, follow these tips:

Recruit Help

Talk to your Mom or Dad alone about the possibility of moving into assisted living. If your parent is reluctant or unwilling to transition, recruit family members to also talk to them about it. Talk to siblings, your children, or any other family members or friends that your parent trusts and encourage them to help you talk to your elderly parent.

Ease Into It

Don't talk as if a decision has already been made. Instead, lightly bring up the topic in casual conversation. It may also be a good idea to plant the seed after an accident or an injury. Bringing up the conversation this way will allow them to clearly think about an easier way of living. Focus on showing the elderly parent the positives of assisted living, such as preventing accidents or helping them take care of themselves on a daily basis.

Offer Reassurances

Most elderly individuals who are afraid to move into assisted living have a clear reason why. They may not want to be forgotten by their friends and family members, or not see the grandchildren on a regular basis, or want to live somewhere that feels like “home.” Listen to their concerns and reassure them that they will feel comfortable, at home, and that you and other family members will still be around just as much.

For more information, contact our Hampton elder care living center today.

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